Refer a Friend to UP Faith & Family Skip to content

Everything is better
with Friends

Refer your Friends
to UP Faith & Family

Everyone is better with Friends. Refer your Friends to UP Faith & Family!


Copy and share the link below with friends.

We will let you know when your friend becomes a subscriber.

You and your friend will be entered into a drawing for exclusive prizes.

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Refer A Friend 3.0

Above is your unique link to share with family and friends.

When someone that you refer becomes a paying UP Faith & Family subscriber both you and your friend will be entered into a quarterly drawing for exclusive prizes: like a  shout out from a cast member from the hit series Heartland, an UP Faith & Family subscription, or a streaming device like an AppleTV or a Roku Ultra. You choose your prize!

Share this link on your social accounts, by email, or by messenger with as many friends as you like.

See complete program rules.