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Unperfect Christmas Wish

TV-G. Maddie, a singer, works with her best friend Cooper as she tries to find a perfect match.

About Unperfect Christmas Wish

TV-G. Madison O'Hara owns a busy event company where she performs as a singing elf for Christmas parties with her best friend Cooper. Her real dream is to be a singer-songwriter and to find the perfect man but things seem to be slipping away when she breaks up with her successful boyfriend Luke. But when a wise Santa suggests perhaps there's a perfectly 'Un-Perfect' match for her right before her eyes, Maddy takes a whole new look at her life and the people in it.

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About Unperfect Christmas Wish

TV-G. Madison O'Hara owns a busy event company where she performs as a singing elf for Christmas parties with her best friend Cooper. Her real dream is to be a singer-songwriter and to find the perfect man but things seem to be slipping away when she breaks up with her successful boyfriend Luke. But when a wise Santa suggests perhaps there's a perfectly 'Un-Perfect' match for her right before her eyes, Maddy takes a whole new look at her life and the people in it.