The Rooftop Christmas Tree - UP Faith & Family Skip to content
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The Rooftop Christmas Tree

Sarah and prosecutor John have to work together to defend Dale.

About The Rooftop Christmas Tree

Every Christmas for 15 years Dale Landis fastens a tree to his roof and decorates it for the season; and every year he’s arrested for it. Determined to keep Dale out of jail this year, a judge orders idealistic attorney, Sarah Wright and aggressive prosecutor John Riviera to work together to defend Dale and figure out the mystery behind the rooftop Christmas tree.

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About The Rooftop Christmas Tree

Every Christmas for 15 years Dale Landis fastens a tree to his roof and decorates it for the season; and every year he’s arrested for it. Determined to keep Dale out of jail this year, a judge orders idealistic attorney, Sarah Wright and aggressive prosecutor John Riviera to work together to defend Dale and figure out the mystery behind the rooftop Christmas tree.