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The Last Appeal

Prisoners on death row sometimes face insurmountable legal battles, family struggles, and mortality.

About The Last Appeal

The Last Appeal is a powerful faith based drama set in the world of death row where prisoners face insurmountable legal battles, family struggles and mortality. Titus Freeman enters this daunting world determined to work the legal system to escape his sentence but discovers a new life beyond the grave. Outside this world is Titus victim's wife Trisha who works the legal system to enforce his execution. Her ambition covers a darker secret that only her late husband knew about.

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About The Last Appeal

The Last Appeal is a powerful faith based drama set in the world of death row where prisoners face insurmountable legal battles, family struggles and mortality. Titus Freeman enters this daunting world determined to work the legal system to escape his sentence but discovers a new life beyond the grave. Outside this world is Titus victim's wife Trisha who works the legal system to enforce his execution. Her ambition covers a darker secret that only her late husband knew about.