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Surviving Camp Analog

TV-PG. High schoolers sent to Camp Analog to cure their tech addiction discover the camp's secrets.

About Surviving Camp Analog

TV-PG. After an online prank goes wrong, the Shocklosers - a group of high schoolers making YouTube videos -are shipped off to Camp Analog: a summer camp that specializes in rehabilitating young people with destructive tech habits. However, everything is not what it seems at Camp Analog, and the Shocklosers find themselves fighting the established conformity to preserve their individuality.

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About Surviving Camp Analog

TV-PG. After an online prank goes wrong, the Shocklosers - a group of high schoolers making YouTube videos -are shipped off to Camp Analog: a summer camp that specializes in rehabilitating young people with destructive tech habits. However, everything is not what it seems at Camp Analog, and the Shocklosers find themselves fighting the established conformity to preserve their individuality.