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Return to the Hiding Place

Corrie Ten Boom and her teenage army rescue Dutch Jews from the Nazis.

About Return to the Hiding Place

Return to the Hiding Place (2013) is a film based upon the factual accounting of Hans Poley's World War II encounter with Corrie ten Boom, his involvement in the Dutch resistance and the wartime harboring of Jewish refugees. A non-Jewish fugitive himself, for refusing to pledge his allegiance to the Nazi party; Poley was the first person hidden from the Nazis in Ten Boom House, which today is a museum in Haarlem, Netherlands. The film is adapted, in part, from Poley's book, Return to the Hiding Place (1993),[2] personal recollections, relayed to screenwriter Dr. Peter C. Spencer, and research from the Dutch National Archives.

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About Return to the Hiding Place

Return to the Hiding Place (2013) is a film based upon the factual accounting of Hans Poley's World War II encounter with Corrie ten Boom, his involvement in the Dutch resistance and the wartime harboring of Jewish refugees. A non-Jewish fugitive himself, for refusing to pledge his allegiance to the Nazi party; Poley was the first person hidden from the Nazis in Ten Boom House, which today is a museum in Haarlem, Netherlands. The film is adapted, in part, from Poley's book, Return to the Hiding Place (1993),[2] personal recollections, relayed to screenwriter Dr. Peter C. Spencer, and research from the Dutch National Archives.