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Finding Love in Big Sky

TV-PG. A country girl accepts help from her ex to raise funds to refurbish her grandfather's ranch.

About Finding Love in Big Sky

TV-PG. After Paisley, an independent country girl, is denied the funding she needs to refurbish her beloved grandfather’s ranch, she has no choice but to turn to her ex-boyfriend, Josh, a big-time marketing executive out of Denver, for help. Will reconnecting over fundraising after 15 long years apart be enough for them to find feelings that may have been there all along?

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About Finding Love in Big Sky

TV-PG. After Paisley, an independent country girl, is denied the funding she needs to refurbish her beloved grandfather’s ranch, she has no choice but to turn to her ex-boyfriend, Josh, a big-time marketing executive out of Denver, for help. Will reconnecting over fundraising after 15 long years apart be enough for them to find feelings that may have been there all along?