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Deacons For Defense

TV-PG A black militia group, little known today, takes on the Ku Klux Klan in the 1960s.

About Deacons For Defense

TV-PG Based on the true story of a black militant vigilante group, the Deacons of Defense and Justice, who chose a different approach to the civil rights movement in 1964 Louisiana to protect Blacks against the Ku Klux Klan: they armed themselves with heavy artillery and organized their neighbors to fight back.

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About Deacons For Defense

TV-PG Based on the true story of a black militant vigilante group, the Deacons of Defense and Justice, who chose a different approach to the civil rights movement in 1964 Louisiana to protect Blacks against the Ku Klux Klan: they armed themselves with heavy artillery and organized their neighbors to fight back.