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Cowboys Without Borders

TV-PG. In this documentary, Gaston Davis visits a ranch discover and live the cowboy lifestyle.

About Cowboys Without Borders

TV-PG. In this documentary, Gaston Davis had questions about his family's history of cowboy life and visits his cousin's ranch in Mexico on the border of the U.S. to find out what the cowboy life really looks like on a ranch that still does things the old way. Davis explores the cowboying of the future on a ranches in Montana and Texas, and travels to Argentina to see if it's true that cowboy culture can be found anywhere.

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About Cowboys Without Borders

TV-PG. In this documentary, Gaston Davis had questions about his family's history of cowboy life and visits his cousin's ranch in Mexico on the border of the U.S. to find out what the cowboy life really looks like on a ranch that still does things the old way. Davis explores the cowboying of the future on a ranches in Montana and Texas, and travels to Argentina to see if it's true that cowboy culture can be found anywhere.