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Christopher the Christmas Tree

TV-G-V. Christopher the Christmas Tree gets passed over every year until he befriends an owl.

About Christopher the Christmas Tree

TV-G-V. Christopher the Christmas Tree wants to get taken to someone's home to be their Christmas Tree but he gets passed over year after year. Hootie is an owl who runs away from home and is looking for a friend. He finds Christopher and makes a home with him. But when Christopher gets chopped down and taken away, Hootie has to save him.

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About Christopher the Christmas Tree

TV-G-V. Christopher the Christmas Tree wants to get taken to someone's home to be their Christmas Tree but he gets passed over year after year. Hootie is an owl who runs away from home and is looking for a friend. He finds Christopher and makes a home with him. But when Christopher gets chopped down and taken away, Hootie has to save him.