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Celebrate Women!

By Ray Ware| March 8, 2022|

Celebrate Women!

Happy Women’s History Month, today we celebrate International Women’s Day!

March 8th is International Women’s Day and March is Women’s History Month. Here at UP Faith & Family, we celebrate women every day, but we are excited to highlight women’s contributions to history and society that are often overlooked. International Women’s Day is a global celebration of the economic, social, political, and cultural achievements of women. This year’s theme, designated by the National Women’s History Alliance, is “Women Providing Healing, Promoting Hope.”

Women are creative

Women are entrepreneurs

Women are talented

Women are inspirational

Women are entertaining

Women are resilient


Ideas to Celebrate Women’s History Month

  • Recognize the importance of women in your life, celebrate their achievements, wins, and uplift someone.

  • Support a business owned by a woman. According to the census, there are over 9.9 million businesses owned by women. 31% of small businesses are owned and operated by women.

  • Recognize, support, and educate yourself on the issues women face today. * Did you know women earn 82 cents for every dollar a man earns?

  • There are so many artists, musicians, authors, and filmmakers that are women. Take the time to support their content whether it is purchasing their book, downloading a song, or giving their content a view.


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  1. […] incredible achievements of women who have shaped our world. At UP Faith & Family, we believe strong female characters deserve the spotlight, which is why we offer a variety of inspiring stories featuring remarkable […]

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